Are you stressed, anxious, overwhelmed? Maybe you are angry, sad, and even fearful? What about self-critical or having low self-esteem? And even repetitive thinking or feeling unacknowledged? All these emotions have an impact on your physical health. People are more stressed than ever before. Even going on vacation is stressful. The excess stress causes our flight or fight response to stay on pretty much 24/7. Did you know that your thoughts and emotions are carried in your vocal cords?What if you could scan your voice every day to identify the emotions that are out of balance.What if you could send frequencies to yourself to bring your emotions back into balance, optimizing your wellness, and finally restoring balance back to your life/This voice scan basically helps to shut off our flight or fight response so our bodies can finally relax allowing our bodies to work as it should.
Our AO Scan Technology was inspired by Tesla, Einstein, and other renowned scientists. It is designed to communicate with the body using subtle energy and biofrequencies. Solex has compiled a proprietary database of over 120,000 beneficial Blueprint Frequencies that our hand-held technology allows you to compare with your personal frequencies. Variances are directed backtoward homeostasis - the body’s natural state of balance - through energetic optimization
Check out this great video