Want to balance your emotions quickly? The Inner-Voice technology uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum in humans to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supple- ment frequencies that we lack .
The Inner-Voice records your voice and analyzes twelve note frequencies C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B .
Inner Voice is designed to be used multiple times a day or as needed..
Need support to emotionally balance but not local or can’t come to the center? We can help you remotely. REQUIRES: Submitting a voice sample via text or email, full name, birthdate, height, weight and full face photos on clear/white background.
The Inner-Voice technology uses a sound harmonizing technique that generates a balancing audio frequency derived from the voice spectrum in humans to diminish frequencies that are in excess and supple- ment frequencies that we lack .
The Inner-Voice records your voice and analyzes twelve note frequencies C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, and B .
Inner Voice is designed to be used multiple times a day or as needed..
Designed to be used multiple times a day or as needed.and full access to the applications features including body scans all at home.
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$149 monthly through our convenient auto pay and pay no enrollment fee.
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AO Scan Programs: